Born: 08/18/03 | HS Graduation: May 2021 | UG Graduation: August 2023 | LS  Graduation: May 2026 | Death: TBD

Photo of Me 

 Welcome to my website!
 I am a senior at the University of Alabama, a UA Presidential Scholar, and a treasurer of the Blount Scholars Program.

In high school, I was a Boy Scout, an Academic Decathlete, in JROTC, CyberPatriot, and the National Honor Society. 
In college my interests have included Sailing, and Swing Dancing


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Here are some of the things I do in my spare time
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Academic Decathlon - I joined the Plano East Academic Decathlon team in 2019, and participated as the highest scoring varsity member in the 2019-2020 season, where the team won first place at several regional meets, qualified for state and ended up 14th overall in the State and 9th large school, out of more than 60 state qualifying schools. I personally won medals in Economics, Social Science, Art and Literature.
 Academic Team - I joined the Plano East JROTC Panther Battalion in 2017, working my way through the ranks to become the youngest member of the Battalion staff in 2018, and the youngest S3 (Battalion Operations and Training Officer) in 2019, in 2020 I assumed the position of Battalion Executive Officer with direct oversight of Battalion Staff. In late 2019 the Panther Battalion Academic Team, of which I am a senior member qualified for the International JROTC Academic and Leadership Bowl in Washington D.C., having achieved a score within the top 36 JROTC programs out of more than a thousand programs worldwide (unfortunately the 2020 Bowl was postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19)
Boy Scouts - I have been a Boy Scout since late 2013, having previously been a Cub Scout since 2010, and I have held numerous positions of Leadership within Troop 25 including Chaplin, Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader for the Summer Term of 2019. This placed me in direct authority over a troop of more than 150 scouts, and gave me ultimate responsibility in the success of the Troop. I am currently a life scout working on my Eagle Project, in response to the COVID-19 epidemic.
CyberPatriot - I have been a CyberPatriot Competitor since 2014 and captain of the CyberPatriot team since 2017. CyberPatriot is an international cybersecurity and network administration competition created by the Air Force Association and sponsored by a dozen Fortune 500 companies designed to promote information security among the nation’s youth. In my first year as CyberPatriot commander the Plano East team scored within the 20th percentile, with no prior cybersecurity experience.
International Baccalaureate - I am an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate in good standing, and have taken more than a dozen IB/AP classes to meet these requirements, as well as participating in “CAS”, Community Service, and writing a four thousand word extended essay.
Braum’s - I have spent the summer of 2020 working part time at Braum’s, a fast food restaurant and ice cream parlour. This part time work has not impacted my studies, and in spite of irregular and often late hours it has given me valuable real world work experience. In the state of Texas my position was classified as essential work.
Region 10 - During the summer of 2020, I was contracted to develop a comprehensive information security presentation for Region 10 ESC, an educational contractor. This presentation was completed in accordance with Texas House Bill 3834, and approved after a thorough review by the Texas Department of Information Resources. It has been used to train thousands of teachers across more than 80 school districts.
Foreign Language: Growing up in a Russian-American household, I learned to speak both English and Russian fluently as a child. I have recently made efforts to improve my Russian reading and writing, which are rudimentary as it stands. I have also taken four years of Chinese at school, to achieve a basic level of proficiency.


I'd love to hear from you!

Plano, TX, USA
Social Media: @nikrura
Email: nikola.e.rura@gmail.com   
@nikrura on Instagram Nikolai Rura on Facebook @ceasernikolai on Spotify @ceasernikolai on Spotify Nikolai Rura on Youtube